More Random Observations
For your pondering pleasure please consider this batch of my Random Observations.
All is right in the golfing world. Tiger Woods has won a tournament. He hadn’t won in more than two years. And now it’s on to The Masters. I never watched golf on TV until Tiger happened along. I’ll be watching The Masters and rooting for Tiger. With all of his personal faults he’s still one of the greatest athletes of all time. Worth watching.
I have read in the business pages that auto sales will lead the way back to America ’s economic recovery. Hooray. we need to see or hear a car commercial on TV and radio every two seconds? Sheesh.
A recent poll revealed that more Americans than ever think poorly of our effort in Afghanistan . What the hell took so long? Although If I had the opportunity I might become an Afghani warlord, with a private militia, large poppy fields, and millions in extorted America dollars. I mean it’s worked so far for Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, Jalaluddin Haqqani, Abdul Rashid Dostum, Matiullah Khan and Mohammed Fahim and Karim Khalili, former warlords now serving as vice presidents in President Karzai’s cabinet. You could look it up. I might have to change my name to something like Careen Offa DaCurve. Uh oh. Does this thought mark me as a subversive?
Some time ago I left a phone message for John Myer, a senior editor of the AAA magazine AAA World. An ad extolling the virtues of booking your travel with AAA showed a couple walking hand-in-hand on a lovely beach towards the water. Left behind on the sand were a floral lei, two pair of flip-flops and a US Passport. I wondered in this day and age of identity theft how someone could show a passport left lying in the sand. I never heard back from Mr. Myer.
I still do want to give President Obama a pair of flip-flops for his birthday. He changes “official” positions more frequently than the author of the Kama Sutra.
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